Have you tried to do the whole church thing and it just seems to come up flat? Jesus said we can have Life and Life abundant. Let’s be honest, often times our lives feel less than abundant.
This is where EQUIP comes in. EQUIP is not a program but a strategy. It is a strategy focused on delivering the tools God has provided to help you bring life to life. It is the strategy The Well uses to fulfill Jesus’ call to “make disciples”.
EQUIP is made up of several options for you to choose from. This “Menu” style organization allows you to go at your pace and engage at the level that both encourages and challenges you in your journey.
We invite you to start or continue your journey toward becoming EQUIPPED!
Remote, Weekly
Discipleship Cohorts
As you get introduced to the tools in the “Carpenter’s Tool Box”, you may want to dive a little deeper into how you can use them in your everyday life. This is what a Discipleship Cohort is designed to do. When you join a cohort, you will be connected to a group of 5-7 people who are led by a coach. The coach will cover all the tools in the toolbox and provide practical homework assignments to help you deploy those tools in your life. Each cohort meets weekly via zoom for 6 months. Not only do you learn from your coach but you will also learn from your fellow participants as you process your journey together.
Wednesday Evenings
Well EDU
A well-EQUIPPED life would be incomplete without a good strong grasp of God’s word. The Bible serves as God’s revelation of Himself to us. As we become more familiar with the Bible we become more familiar with God. The Well EDU is the education arm of EQUIP consisting of a series of classes designed to help you become more familiar and confident in your grasp of the Bible.
Sunday or MOnday Evenings
FOM Groups
What does a group of people who are EQUIPPED or are being EQUIPPED look like over the long haul? They look like a family. Jesus said anyone who does the will of His father are his brothers and sisters. A Family On Mission (FOM) group is a group of people who are simply journeying toward maturity together. These groups meet in home throughout the week and have regular patterns of missional expression. Each week the FOM gathers to eat, sing, pray, and share together. Between weekly gatherings FOM members check in on and support one another. A FOM group is not just small group, they seek to operate as family caring for and encouraging each other.
One very accessible option to start or continue your EQUIP journey is through our workshops. It was no mistake that Jesus was born into a carpenters family. Throughout His time on earth He would deliver tools to help his disciples to make disciples who make disciples and so on.
Each workshop dives into those tools that we call, “The Carpenter’s Toolbox”. Each workshop focuses on introducing one of The Carpenter’s Tools.
Specially scheduled
Be Moved
This workshop introduces you to our base tool called the “Maturity Matrix”.
Hebrews 6:1 tells us that we should “be moved” toward maturity. But what does maturity look like and how do we know we are moving there? The Maturity Matrix is the tool that answers these questions. This workshop is a two part event falling on two separate evenings for a total of 4 hours.
Specially scheduled
OT Live
Living out the maturing life of a disciple requires us to know God and His redemption story. Many see the Old Testament as dry and filled with God’s anger. However, this workshop will help you see God’s story of rescuing His people that sets the foundation for the arrival of Jesus. This is a single-evening 3 hour workshop.
Specially scheduled
Cultivating a maturing life is hard. In John 15, Jesus reveals a tool we call the “Cultivate Pendulum”. This tool helps us to create the life rhythms necessary to cultivate a maturing life. This is a 3 hour workshop that takes place on a single night.