Kids Ministry
News and Events
Offering Nursery Through Elementary At The 10am Service!
Welcome to The Well Kids!
The Well Kids’ Ministry’s mission is bringing families into God’s family for a lifetime of following Jesus. With that said, our volunteer team strives to make your family feel welcome and make sure your experience is positive. We have a friendly check-in team to greet you with a smile and assist you during check-in. They will help you get your children to their classes and answer any questions you may have. Your children will feel loved and accepted during class. Our rooms are fun and inviting places for kids to learn and grow. Your children will build their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other through dynamic biblical teaching and small group discussions. They will also participate in a variety of fun activities, games and crafts that will help reinforce the lessons they learn. We look forward to seeing you and your children!
5 – 10 YEARS OLD
School-aged children will have a blast in our Elementary Room! Our main attraction is our treehouse, complete with a climbing wall and twisty slide. For the Bible lessons, we are using a curriculum called Dig In. This curriculum is designed specifically for elementary-aged kids to learn the Gospel message and biblical principles in an engaging and clear way.
In each class, we listen to worship songs, play games, dig into the lesson, discuss how to apply what we’ve learned in our own lives, enjoy some snacks, and finish off with a craft related to the lesson.
For children in the 2 ½ Years to Pre-Kindergarten age range, we offer a classroom with more structure, but just as much fun! While a portion of the service will be open for free time for the kids to play with the toys, puzzles, and costumes, a good amount of time is dedicated to teaching an engaging Bible lesson and doing a craft that goes with it. Our lessons are on a 2-year rotation; the first year focuses on stories from the Old Testament, while the second year goes through the New Testament. The kids’ crafts are set aside so they can take them home to remember what they learned from God’s Word! Before the end of service, kids will enjoy a snack together and help to clean up the toys.
0 – 2 1/2 years old
Children from 8 weeks to 2 ½ years old are welcome to join our caring volunteers in the fun and safe environment we’ve made for the littlest members of the church. Age-appropriate toys, blocks, and board books are accessible for children as they play and explore.
During the service, they’ll spend time being cared for and played with, dancing to praise songs, and listening to one of our volunteers read a Bible-based toddler book. The children who are old enough will be offered a snack halfway through the service.
There is a changing table you are welcome to use if your little one needs a change during service. Labels are provided for diaper bags and bottles as needed. We also have a Pack-N-Play crib in case a nap is in order!
Kids Volunteers
Looking for a way to not only serve, but a place that matches with your God-given gifts and passions? We take to heart the words of Jesus when He said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)
If you are passionate about the Gospel and love seeing kids’ faces light up, contact us to see if our ministry would be a good fit for you!
We are constantly incorporating more secure guidelines to follow when it comes to our Kids’ Ministry! The children are checked in with two nametag stickers and a sticker with a corresponding 3-digit code that changes every Sunday. One nametag sticker is put on the child’s shirt and the other is put on our attendance sheet. The 3-digit code sticker is given to parents to use to check the child out of the room at the end of the service. If there is a situation where a parent needs to be notified of something involving their child, the teacher will use the check-in app to contact the parent via text.